Monday, January 25, 2010

Now for some contemplation,

For my thoughts,

Recently I was able to get the chance to reflect on all the hectic events around the world and could only conclude that we're going downhill. But then the thought struck me, "Downhill from what?" Were we ever as a nation and a world on top of anything? Was there a supposed golden age that this world enjoyed in Modern History? I couldn't find any time within the 20th and our short 10 years of the 21st century to actually point to "That's the hilltop!" Sure some may argue, what about the 50's and 60's when the American economic engine was booming and the world seems to be on the quick rise towards never-never-land. But then, what about the second Red Scare? What about the Apocalyptic Scenario of MAD? What about the failing education system that couldn't produce enough engineers and scientists domestically so we had to smuggle them from defeated Germany? What about what seemed to be an Military Industrial Complex spinning out of control? And what of the race riots? The social conflicts? The puppet states and their conflicts sprung up around the world by the two world superpowers? No, the 1950s and 60s are no hilltops, and even if they are, they're pretty flat.

So, why are we going down hill, when we started not much further from a valley to begin with? Where are we with respect to where we've come?

To the first question, I find my knowledge of the world inadequate to answer. It is after all based on one's own perception of values and accomplishments.

To the second question, I believe the following poster can answer readily.

Think of the implications that just a little under a hundred years ago, the basic necessity of food is as valuable as oil fields and ammunition. Tell that to any American commanders stationed in Afghanistan or Iraq today, and they might laugh. Maybe in another hundred years, the same commanders, if they're still American that is, might laugh at the complaints of fuel and proper armor. Where are we with respect to where we've come? We've come far in terms of technological advancement. We now live in a society where the majority of our population doesn't have to go hungry during even war times. We are able to afford luxuries such as a public education system and social safety nets for the unemployed. Yet we squander these systems. We waste our social-political power on and biased ideologies. We let our great scientific community sit idly by and unfunded as we pursue in worldly things that flood Wall Street with unproductive short term stock prospecting. While our corporations are allowed to now spend without limit in election campaigns, we has a nation has created 0 jobs since the year 2000. 0 jobs in a decade, and with 30 million more mouths to feed. How are we doing? How are we progressing? The politicians up for elections yell "Now!", but those who sit in secure seats scream "Never!". How are we going to face the compounded problems of an overpopulated planet, a rapidly decaying political system, a shrinking economy, and uncertain environmental disaster?

Will we fall back to the world of the early 20th century? Two world wars in less than 40 years? Will we become ruled again by ideology and radicalism be it the burning rise of Communism or the marching armies of Fascism? Perhaps the names will change. Maybe the faces will be different. Still the results are the same. China lost 20 million people in 8 years of war with Japan not to just the hail of bullets and bombs, but to the gruesome hands of salvation and disease. That's 1 in 10. How will the globally dependent nations of the 21st century fare? 1 in 10 is now 600 million. Where are we truly with respect to where we have come?

I love the loud speakers that cry, "I fear for this country, for what it has become!" To me listening to these people, I find it easy to relate these loud speakers to those of the radicals who yelled "I fear for the Fatherland, for the Jewish peril!" Fear mongering defeats all logic in the so called stable system of democracy. We have come from that dark place that is the radicalism of the 20th century, but now we're heading back into the fray. What are these so called "Tea Parties" and "Grass Root" movements? Are they really different from the ideologies of this fictitious ideas of the "Folk" movements and the workers movements? What are these concepts of "A Nation of Islam" and "Righteous Jihad"? Have terrorism ever accomplished anything except to start wars and create illogical differences?

Now my thoughts have gone full circle, and I have just realized that history has gone full circle. At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, radical ideologies were not commonly accepted as truths, but were pushed to the fringes of society. The world was enjoying the flowers of the first era of Globalization when peoples, ideas, and markets flowed freely, but under the firm control of self serving imperial interests. However, as social conditions deteriorate, and world markets begin to stagnate, tensions arise between these interests before exploding into the first world war. After the war, nationalism, instead of dying with imperialism, spread like wild fire as a rising Imperial Japan inspired other non-European peoples to fight for independence. In decaying Europe, this nationalism transpired to become Nationalist Socialism, i.e. Fascism, while the rest of the world entertained a mix of Fascism and Communism. After all, Communist Russia seemed, just as the one-party authoritarian state of the People's Republic of China seems today, to be flourish in a world of economic depression. Then the clash of ideologies begin as the radicals believe they and they solely have the right path to the future.

Funny how history tends to repeat itself. We too are in a world of Globalism with the big bangs that are the mass expansion of the internet and the cellular phone. We too are in a world of deteriorating social systems with a fast growing population, an aging health care system, and a unbalancing of the distribution of wealth. Finally, our market and those of Europe's have all been capped. Without real progress these markets will remain stagnant and will only stay afloat because of the faith growing markets still have in our own.

So then what about ideologies? Where are the titanic clashes of left and right? This is self evident. The quick and brutal radicalization of both left and right wing politics and the intolerance the people of this country towards realistic compromise are enough to push this democracy off the edge. This is also inflamed by the irresponsible and self interested actions of liberal and conservative media. Instead of remaining unbiased as they claim, both wings of the media have set out obvious agenda for ideological control through fear, uproar, and misinformation. In hind sight, it seems that our stable democracy is perhaps the most easy system to exploit, since mob rule is easy to control with sensational speeches. As for abroad, both radical Islam and the successful one-party system of China pose both direct and indirect threats to American ideologies. If America becomes a conservative state, i.e. Fascist state, then it'd approach radical Islam head on, and we might see the rise and fall of a third American Empire as well as another world war in our life time. If America becomes a liberal state, i.e. One-Party Oligarchy, then the ideological differences between liberal interventionism and China's central political control could bring us to another Axis versus Allies struggle seen in that of the second world war.

I'll end my thought journey with a bit of optimism. For almost every cross road in history unanticipated events may happen that seems to decide the way the world will march. Perhaps in the near future a common event may happen to the nations of the world and unite their ideologies. Yet at the same time, events such as the very recent Supreme Court ruling on election funding could direct our future into something that even this writer can not predict. Nations run by corporations may seem like plutocracy and dangerous at first. But, when one reflects on how well the world was managed in the 19th century by an aristocratic plutocracy (The Consort of Europe) for almost 40 years, one begins to wonder, how will a consort of corporates run the world? Will there be a Google Sphere that struggles with a Microsoft Sphere for markets and resources? Will students of the future struggle to learn the complex relations between corporations rather than nations? For all I know, where we are now will definitely not be where we will be, for better or worse. So whenever someone asks, "Will you answer the call of history?" I can only reply, all has been said, all has been done. The only difference is if there will be any step forward this time, and no one can answer that in the fog of a uncertain future.

R.C. Wang 25.1.2010
San Francisco

Sunday, December 21, 2008

2088: Nations of earth perfect close range space travel and colonize Mars under a joint US-EU-PRC-Russia effort.
2089: U.S. Air Force top secret project: D.U.N.Y.A. is completed.
2150: Mining colonies on asteroid belt developed by private corporations and military forces.
2188: The People's Republic of China absorbs Mongolia, Vietnam, and Thailand. Under new leadership, the country also absorbs the Republic of China and renames itself The United Republics of China (URC).
2260: Solar system has multiple major human colonies; Pluto is last heavenly body colonized.
2288: United Nations dissolved under 6 party agreement. European Union and the United States of America forms the New Global Economic Partnership (NGEP). Under the NGEP military forces of the signed partner states shall form into a collective force known as the Global Peace Keeping Forces. URC and Russian Federation responds with a similar new union called the Asia Parallel Initiative (API). Remaining earth nations signed on to either the API or the NGEP except for African nations, which changed the African Union to be a mirror image to that of the NGEP.
2301: API and NGEP declare Conventional World War 3, which revolved around conflicts across the human colonies. Space Naval Combat quickly replaces surface combat. First Spacecraft Carriers appear as feasible Space Naval Combat Vessels.
2314: API government overthrown by a coup d’etat, NGEP collapses internally from largest economic depression in human history. United Human Confederation absorbs both NGEP and API as well as the AU. Humanity is finally united under one civilization. 80% of Earth’s infrastructure and Cities were devastated in the war, and over 1 billion people died including 20 million soldiers.
2355: Astrophysicists predict Earth will be no longer be able to support human life by 3500 A.D. Ascendancy, a social ideology focusing on space exploration, gain many initial supporters, especially from the wealthy and extremely wealthy. Descendants build Salvation Zone A at the Alaska Peninsula.
2543: Humans reach next closest solar system and begin colonizing. Earth environment and resource reservoirs continue to decline. Global temperatures continue to rise from continual expansion of the sun. In response to this two major ideological parties are officially recognized as political forces: The Ascendancy and The Descendancy.
2730: The two parties begin a cold war against each other, while spreading colonies throughout the galaxy; faster than light travel (subspace) is perfected.
3000: Warping technology is tested: humanity expands across the complete Milky Way Galaxy. Hyperspace is first discovered. Ascendants make the first encounter with another sentient alien species the Ku’kari.
3500: Humanity makes a major breakthrough in Hyperspace Technology: NAV system perfected as well as Super Hyperspace Gateway Technology. This allows humanity to travel to other galaxies in very short period of time.
4000: Humanity occupies 5 galaxies and all habitable planets contained wherein. Ascendants and Descendants gain support from and absorbs many local races and cultures. The Human SEED project is initiated as a platform for peaceful cooperation between Descendants and Ascendants. Barren worlds are terraformed into Earth-like planets and Homo Sapiens were implanted on these planets as primitive Neolithic sentient beings. They were then closely observed by joint Ascendant-Descendant committees. One such planet dubbed, Experiment21: Arcends, is the first successful SEED project experiment.
5000: First Intergalactic War erupts between Descendants and Ascendants. Descendants occupy 356 galaxies. Ascendants occupy 295 galaxies.
0 RG: Initial fighting between Descendants and Ascendants result in massive fleets fighting in battlefields light years in size.
5 RG: Nova Bombs are first used in warfare, entire solar systems were destroyed as their suns become supernovas.
15 RG: Entire galaxies sink into anarchy as war spread across the universe.
60 RG: Organized warfare is non-existent. Descendant and Ascendant forces fought ad hoc battles without overall strategy.
100 RG: First Intergalactic War ends without official terms of peace. Forces simply stopped fighting due to lack of resources and supplies.
112 RG: Neutrality proposed between Ascendants and Descendants.
1050 RG: Ascendants government reform results in the emergence of the Ascendant Empire. Similar reforms in the Descendancy result in the formation of the Descendka Military State.
3550 RG: Second Intergalactic War erupts from mutual violation of the Polaris-Deneb DMZ agreement.
3555 RG: War ends abruptly as Ascendant forces route almost all of Descendant border forces. Descendant Supreme Command negotiates new DMZ border.
3561 RG: Ascendant-Descendant Bipolar Agreement signed at Cyrillia, Arcends. Arcends Independent Observation Agreement signed. Ascendant and Descendant joint research made final breakthrough in Hyperspace Technology ending the need for Hyperspace bubbles.
3563 RG: Joint Descendant-Ascendant research produces a physical SONYA-prototype.
3568 RG: Descendant Research produces a physical DUNYA-Type 1. DUNYA project scrapped.
3600 RG: War erupts between nations on Arcends.
3614 RG: Third Intergalactic War begins.

0 RG: Old Terra is consumed by its sun; both sides mark the beginning of a new calendar.
2 RG: Sahl Empire established.
5 RG: Free-Shaolin and Taoist temple planets are established.
7 RG: Sahl Empire expands to 500 planets.
32 RG: Jade Emperor expands temple planets to 40 Shaolin and 75 Taoist planets; empire is at 700+ planets.
64 RG: Empire reaches 888 planets.

The A.F. timeline is used primarily by the People’s Union of Symphonia and later by the United Republics of Arcends. When the Imperial Terran Empire rose to power after the Chaos Wars, the A.F. timeline is reaccepted as the Official Timeline of the Human Race. The Imperial Terran Federation accepted the A.D., A.F. and R.G. timelines. 0 A.F. is 3600 RG. All time before 0 A.F. is counted backwards from 0 B.F. and onwards.
0 A.F. War erupts between Crescent Empire, The United Republic of Zythentia, People’s Union of Symphonia, and Independent State of Cyrillia. The war is called The Great War by the people of Arcends, but is later recognized as the prologue of the Third Intergalactic War.
5 AF: Initial border skirmishes escalate to full scale combat. Arcend nations’ technologies progress with alarming speed as Ascendants and Descendants secretly leak weapons technology to all sides of the war.
13 AF: Crescents and Zythentians locked in fierce fighting over two strategically vital provinces. Major amphibious warfare is used for the first time.
14 AF: Two nuclear bombs were dropped over Providence and Withering Heights by the Crescent Empire. Zythentia and Symphonia respond with an temporary truce and alliance to completely annihilate the Crescent Empire. Symphonia break out of the Southern Continent and rapidly gain grounds against Crescent forces in the north. Crescent Empire faces internal coup d’etate. Tyrant J.S. Miller takes complete control of Crescent government. Systematic genocide of Symphonian and Zythentian descendants living in Crescent territories begin. Symphonia faces internal coup d’etate, dictator removed and democratic socialists take power. Field Marshall Lee forms a military coup to overthrow the Miller Tyranny. Zythentia and Symphonia re-engage in war as Crescent Empire is quickly retreating. Blue Cross Republic formed as a splinter of the Crescent Empire.
15-17 AF: Fighting drastically slows as supplies on all sides dwindle.
18 AF: Massive engagements resume between Crescents and Zythentians. Descendants and Ascendants finally take official sides in the war. Descendant assisted Crescent Empire quickly overruns Zythentian coastlines. Ascendant assisted Blue Cross and Zythentia holds Descendant advance at the 24th Parallel. Descendant Nexus Fleet under Grand Admiral Chen annihilates all Ascendant fleets positioned around Arcends. Ascendant forces on Arcends face complete encirclement. Ascendants launch the first and last recorded Intergalactic Ballistic Missiles (IGBM), destroying 150000 major Descendant solar systems.
19 AF: Descendant Empire sink into oblivion. Ascendant Empire begin to suffer from internal conflicts and slowly declines. Symphonia begins to advance into war torn Zythentia and Crescent Empire.
20 AF: Third Intergalactic War ends. Arcends, with exception of Blue Cross, is united under one nation, the United Republics of Arcends. Capital of Arcends establish at Solaris. Reconstruction Era begins.
55 AF: United Republics of Arcends perfects close range space flight. Space Era begins.
150 AF: URA colonizes several planets in solar systems around Arcends.
250 AF: URA competes with Blue Cross in space travel research.
300 AF: Blue Cross establishes first colony on a terraformed planet.
400 AF: URA and Blue Cross tensions grow as natural resource on Arcends dwindles.
500 AF: URA succeeds in terraforming a planet from T0 to T3.
600 AF: URA space exploration reaches the center of the galaxy. Ascendant fleet wreckage found and salvaged, one intact hyperspace propulsion device recovered.
700 AF: Blue Cross introduces Ion Beam technology into atmospheric and space warfare.
774 AF: Winter Wars erupts between Blue Cross and United Republics of Arcends. Initial Blue Cross defensive victories nearly forced RA surrender.
784 AF: Blue Cross Empire surrenders without conditions to United Republics of Arcends. URA changes into the Republic of Arcends.
900 AF: RA enters into a golden age as hyperspace jump gates linked Arcends with its colonies. RA controlled space flourishes with interstellar trade.
955 AF: RA make first encounter with an alien species known as the Dhor. The Dhor, a less advance species lacked long range space flight and had minimal space weapons technology, is wiped out by the RA when Dhor military fired upon initial RA reconnaissance party.
1050 AF: RA begins to decline.
1101 AF: Multiple major colonies declare independence. Several major colonies formed alliances.
1105 AF: RA war effort against colonial rebellion fail, more colonies declare independence on the basis of unfair taxation and lack of protection. The term Planet-State is first coined.
1111 AF: Major colonies begin to attack weaker colonies for territorial gains, Chaos Wars erupt.
1118 AF: RA loses all control of frontier colonies and begins the slow retreat to its core worlds.
1120 AF: Imperial Terran Empire emerges from a backwater frontier colony called Dabudia, which survives multiple attacks from stronger neighbors.
1123 AF: ITE quickly gains territories and subjugates multiple neighboring Planet-States.
1135 AF: ITE wins a decisive battle against the strongest Planet-State alliance; The Commonwealth of Freedom.
1155 AF: ITE is now in control of over half of the original Republic of Arcends territories.
1178 AF: Pope Julian IX declares King Horian Julian Gabriel of the Imperial Terran Empire as Emperor of Humanity Blessed by Deus. The Universal Church is recognized as the official Church of the ITE, and Christianity is accepted as its official religion.
1198 AF: H.J. Gabriel claims the title of Imperator of the Galactic Legions and The Rightful Ruler of All Space.
1225 AF: RA Home Fleet is annihilated in a decisive battle in the Polaris System. RA Senate calls for the unification of all true patriots against “The Empire of Tyranny”.
1240 AF: H.J. Gabriel and Dabudian nobility leads the final battle against RA et al. in the Great Siege of Arcends.
1245 AF: Remaining colonies and Arcends Underground Resistance signs terms of surrender to the ITE. The Imperial Terran Federation is established as part of the terms of surrender.
1300 AF: ITF continues to expand into uncharted territories. The terms “Inner Core”, “Outer Core”, and “Frontier” are first coined.
1350 AF: ITF spans over 3/4th of the Milky Way Galaxy.
1428 AF: ITF first encounter with the Horde. Horde fleet routed and jump gate destroyed.
1492 AF: ITF capital moved to Solaris, Arcends. Semyon dubbed this time period as, “The Age of Destiny”.
1493 AF: The 11th Frontier Fleet encounters first Horde Armada.
1494 AF: Sighting of Horde Armadas reported across the Frontier.
1495 AF: Scorpii Fleets routed in the Battle of St. Helen against the Horde Armada. Frontier is deemed “Lost”.
1496 AF: Julii, Scorpii, and Brutii Fleets and forces are slowly routed one after another by the massive Horde forces converging towards the Outer Core. A small group of military radicals emerge calling themselves “Descendants” and their organization, “Descendka”.
1497 AF: Horde Armadas route Imperial Fleets at the decisive Battle of Stagitti Five. Inner Core is now vulnerable to attack. Descendka gains support in parts of the Outer Core.
1498 AF: Horde Armadas are within reach of Arcends. Imperial Forces converge at Kappa-Orion System to prevent further Horde advance. Imperial Forces routed at the Battle of Kappa-Orion with eighty percent casualty rate. Arcends is attacked 24 hours later. The Battle for Arcends lasts for 125 hours. Descendant Forces aid Imperial Forces in routing the Horde Armada. A large Imperial Armada is assembled from elements of remaining nobility fleets and imperial fleets. Imperial Armada annihilates the Horde Armadas at the 2nd Battle of St. Helen. The Emperor of the ITF is pronounced dead from combat wounds, Elvenia Josephine Gabriel or Josephine the Great inherits the throne. The United Socialist Unions declare independence from the Federation during the Battle of Kappa-Orion. The United Orion States declare independence from the Federation during the Battle for Arcends.
1499: Descendka is officially recognized in the ITF as a part of the ITF Armed Forces and as an autonomous entity of the Federation. The Universal Church is denied the powers of the Inquisition. Josephine negotiates with USU and UOS and signs The Solaris Liberty Treaty. Under the SLT, USU and UOS will remain as members of the Federation, but maintain their autonomy as independent states with mutual assistance alliance agreement to the ITF.
1500: The Universal Church is stripped of its status as the Official Church of the Federation, and Christianity is stripped of its title as the Official Religion. The Catholic War begins.
1510: Descendant and Michaelian Forces encircles and annihilate the Vatican Guards. Pope Herald IV flees Arcends with the Cardinals. Empress Josephine reassures the Catholic War is not a war against Christians but against the Universal Church. Josephine gathers support from other religious groups on the promise of religious tolerance and freedom of faith after the war. Devoted nobles join the Catholics in the war. House of Brutus joins the Catholics out of fear of the Descendant influence on the Federation. USU and UOS declared neutrality on the basis of unclear identification of which side is the Federation.
1515: Catholic strongholds become under siege. Descendant Fleets routes the Catholic Armada at St. Louis. War erupts between the USU and UOS.
1516: Last of the Catholic strongholds falls to Descendant and Imperial Forces. USU and UOS declares temporary truce due to the change in galactic politics.
1518: Josephine drafts The Constitution of the Imperial Terran Federation. Semyon Z. Marmeladov accepts the title of Hellfire of Descendka. The Federation holds its first Federation Senate election.
1520: Semyon marries Josephine and seals the firm alliance between Descendka and the Federation. Josephine appoints the First Cabinet of Ministers. The First Federation Senate appoints the First Supreme Federal Court.
1580: Amendment 1: Frontier Suffrage
1590: USU and UOS sign on to The Constitution of the Imperial Terran Federation.
1591: Alien independent nations draft and sign the Minority Galactic Commonwealth Charter in response to growing Federation influence.
1600: ITF researchers make major advancement in ship construction and hyperspace technologies making Intergalactic Space Travel possible.
1660: Josephine sanctions project Andromeda, the Holy Human Empire is formed as a secret vassal state to the Federation.
1800: The Minority Galactic Commonwealth signs on to the Constitution of the Imperial Terran Federation.
1900: The Federation expands into 9 neighboring galaxies.
2100: Josephine delivers “The Intergalactic Address” at the first meeting of the 291st Federation Senate. The Federation now represents 90 galaxies and 250 races.
2520: Federation celebrates a millennium under the Constitution with the expansion into 170th galaxy.
2670: Federation enters Golden Age. First encounter with the Ocrins made at Sagrius Galaxy.
3000: Commonwealth of Nations established in response to Ocrin aggression. Federation did not join the Commonwealth.
3300: First reports of the Ocrin Atrocity. Josephine demands for Ocrin retreat from Commonwealth territories or face Federation embargo. Ocrin Empire halts its offensive as negotiations begin.
3365: Negotiations collapsed as Ocrin representatives rejected all proposals. Ocrin restarts offensive, Federation responds with embargo.
3685: Ocrin war machine grinds to a halt due to supply depletion. Commonwealth of Nations signs on to the Constitution. Ocrin Empire forced to declare peace.
3800: Cold War between Federation and Ocrin Empire begins.
4100: Holy Human Empire continue its expansion across the Andromeda Galaxy. ITF expands into the 211th Galaxy.
4400: Ocrins begin minor skirmishes along Commonwealth borders over border disputes. Ocrin forces routed quickly by newly Federation trained and equipped Commonwealth Forces. Semyon calls for rapid construction of production facilities to gear up for possible war. Descendant Forces double in less than 16 months.
4660: Sahl Empire reconnected to Andromeda through Shanhaiguan. Holy Human Empire and United Andromeda Alliance first encounter Ocrin forces with catastrophic losses.
4662: Josephine demands Ocrin to halt all aggressive activities in Andromeda or face embargo. Ocrin hierarchy ignores threat and continues to push into HHE and UAA territories.
4665: Descendant Forces under Field Marshall Katherine S. Gabriel launch a surprise attack on Ocrin forces in Andromeda galaxy. USU, UOS, and Commonwealth Forces launch simultaneous attacks into Ocrin territory. Ocrin hierarchy calls it “The Year of Infamy”, while Josephine declares the war as “The War against Evil.” Semyon dubbed the war, “The Dark Crusade”. Upon the declaration of war the Federation controls 445 galaxies and the Ocrin controls 890 galaxies.
4685: Ocrin forces are overrun by Descendant Blitzkrieg/Mobility Warfare Strategy. USU suffer high casualty rates from its Human Wave Doctrine/Encirclement Strategy. UOS suffered minor losses but made minor gains with Planetary Control Doctrine. Imperial Forces aided by UOS and Commonwealth Forces made major gains with a combination of Combined Arms Doctrine/Firepower Strategy, and Carrier Superiority Doctrine.
4750: Ocrin forces retreat behind the “Second Line” and begin to focus on Delay and Hedgehog/Pocket Defensive Doctrines. Ocrin successfully established a Defense in-depth strategy and halted the Descendant Blitzkrieg. Federation forces were also halted due to Ocrin scorched earth policy. Anticipating Ocrin counter-offensives, Field Marshall Katherine orders a radical readjustment that decentralized the Descendant command structure.
4755: Ocrin counteroffensives failed as Descendant lines held even as other Federation forces were routed.
4758: Field Marshall Katherine reorganized the Federation Forces and launched a bold attack into the heart of the Ocrin Empire. The Schwerpunkt was the Ocrin capital, and on 15:00 March 15th A.F. 4758 Federation Forces waved the “United Colors” over the Ocrin Infinity Temple. The Ocrin Hierarchy was given unconditional surrender.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Book One: Twilight, Chapter One

Age of Destiny


Deus Ex Machina

Book One

Twilight of The Empire

Chapter One

In the eventful two hundred fifty first year after the formal formation of the Imperial Terran Empire and its spread across much of the Milky Way Galaxy, the Empire stood at the break of destruction. Massive armadas of a mysterious and brutal race simply called The Horde marched upon the Imperial Capital, Arcends. The once thought to be invincible noble fleets and legions were slaughtered and broken. Her loyal outer colonies declared independence, or simply stood by to watch the onslaught. Even her mighty Imperial Armies, Legions, and Fleets were routed in a last ditch effort to hold the line at Syrus (second planet of Kappa-Orion System). Now, all that stood between the merciless Horde and the blue jade of the Empire was a meager fleet of 6000 ships, and three Army Groups formed of untested soldiers as well as tired legions just arrived from the outer core. On December 28th, A.F. 1498 the Horde and its armada of 72000 ships as well as an uncountable army hive jumped from Syrus and arrived at the high orbit of Arcends.

The timing of the Horde's arrival could not be worse. News of the massacre at Syrus had already spread throughout the Capital City, Solaris, and all across the planet. The panic stricken citizens, who were already ordered to evacuate if possible, now could only wonder what will be the fate of their lives as the Horde armada began its slow descent upon Arcends itself. In Solaris, the citizens and nobles alike took to the streets to hope that they could catch the last shuttles or medical ships before the space docks are closed. In this chaos, thousands perished to traffic accidents as well as city wide looting. The nobles who knew they could not escape, barricaded themselves or joined friends who had such barricades, and prepared for the worst. However, even before the chaos ensued, the lower levels of Solaris were beginning to accept refugees. These levels were built upon the ancient city itself, but reinforced with large layers of concrete and steel. They were essentially bunkers, built for the very purpose of prolonged defense against an overwhelming enemy. Unfortunately, for those who were outside of the city, such defense structures were rare to none.

Meanwhile, the Planetary Guards were drafting entire city blocks for men, women, and often even children. Anyone who could carry a laser rifle was given one and formed into ranks that at time were as large as fully provisioned divisions. The massive factories of Solaris were ordered months before to convert all operations to produce supply, ammunition, or weapons. Even as the Horde was beginning to move planetside, these factories and their workers steamed on through night and day. This combination allowed the Empire to form 25 divisions on Arcends overnight. However, the lack of combat effectiveness as well as discipline of these divisions were all too clear to the commanders who fielded them. In addition, even with these divisions combined with the elements of the Imperial Army, and the Imperial Legions, the total ground forces the Empire could muster for the entire planet was a meager 45 divisions. It became all too obvious that the only objective that was defensible was Solaris itself.

The city of Solaris in A.F. 1498 was a tough place to defend or invade. It was built vertically rather than horizontally because of the mountains that surrounded it. Therefore, the city was by that time almost a mile tall. This meant that an invader could choose a series of city levels to enter and pass through, making each city level a possible front. However, Solaris like any other city in need of land was also extremely dense. On most city streets, only two transport vehicles could pass at the same time, and any maneuver was close to impossible. This made any effort to occupy the city slow. Street to street fighting would become the only battles seen in the Defense of Arcends. However, early on in the battle, four objectives clearly emerged for both sides of the conflict. The Crystal Palace, the Halls of Admirals, the Centre of Defense, and the Factories District were all crucial to the continual function and fighting capacity of the Empire not only on Arcends, but also across the galaxy. Even if one of these were to fall to the hands of the Horde, the Empire could be brought to its knees. Therefore, after hours of planning and consideration, the commanders of the Imperial Terran Empire set out for one last bloody defense for their survival.

Chapter Two

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Age of Destiny: Deux Ex Machina

"Bless you

For being an Angel

Just when it seem that heaven was not for me.

Bless you

For building a new dream

Just when my old dream crumbles so helplessly.

In the vine covered chapel on the hill,

Your face was a hymn that linger still,

So bless you,

My darling, my angel.

Heaven is mine

And life is divine with you.

Bless you darling

For being an Angel

Just when it seem, that heaven was not for me.

Bless you

For building a new dream

Just when my old dream crumble so helplessly.

In that vine covered chapel on the hill,

Your face was a hymn that linger still,

So bless you

My darling, my angel.

Heaven is mine

And life is divine with you."

-Ink Spots, Oct. 1939 A.D.

(for those who want to hear the song: Bless You )

Age of Destiny


Deux Ex Machina

Monday, October 27, 2008

Starting Out

Thanks to my good friend Const-'s competition, and Rev-'s suggestion, I decided to start this blog. It will be called Contemplation, Work, and Life simply because it will be a contemplation of what I hope to write one day...a series of short novels. Fictional of course, but at the same time reflect certain things in life and our tiny blue dot. Perhaps that is why I named the url after one of our, as in Const, Rev, me, and a few others, first imaginative works, Final Banners of Courage. While it seems immature now, FBC was truely a bold first step, and thankfully not the last.

I'll quit here for now as I still need to contemplate where to start all this. I propose to write weekly or biweekly short stories or an continuous one with some distractions from real life added. Hopefully I won't quit here and forget all about this blog in the near future. As for now, signing off,
